On The Stoop
A 7 piece extravaganza of genre-shifting, subversive, uncompromising, horn-driven, cacophonous harmony. Mariachi, Balkan, New-Orleans swing, Spaghetti-Western, Cabaret, Film Score, Cumbia, Punk-Rock are all represented in this adept ensemble of some of the finest musicians around. Their recent self titled album received extensive radio support including album of the week on Eastside Radio and airplay on community radio stations 2SER FBi, and RRR. The music careers between Balkan Gypsies, Ennnio Morricone, Nino Rota, jazz, rock, ska and a few other as yet unidentified genres. On The Stoop are making a mark with their own style of original sound and their continually unpredictable original music.
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